Team Fortress 2, the long awaited sequel to the popular QuakeWorld mod from 1996, does its predecessors more then enough justice. Like the original, TF2 uses class based combat and pits up online players against each other in a number of different game modes, but this time in a very cartoon like fashion. Probably the…
The All New Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress is an interesting game for players who want some strategy and adventure mixed in their games instead of only slaying and killing enemies. The Team Fortress 2 like its predecessors is focused around two opposing teams competing for a common objective. These two teams are meant to represent one demolition and the other…
Digital SLR Camera Review – Choosing Between SLR Cameras Or Compact Digital Cameras
When purchasing a digital camera, it is often a tough decision to choose between a SLR digital camera and a compact digital camera. With this digital SLR camera review, we will cover the most important aspects in the decision making process. SLR Cameras are your best choice among digital cameras if you want to do…
Different Digital Camera Types – A Brief Overview
Nowadays, photography has become one of the most popular hobbies of many individuals around the world. Unfortunately, some digital camera users will have little or no idea at all on the specifications of the equipment that they need. Therefore, they will often end up purchasing a camera that does not exactly serve their purpose. Digital…
Waterproof Digital Cameras
We live in an amazing time, a time in which technology has allowed us to do just about anything we want. This is definitely true for photography. A hundred years ago, you had to stand still for several minutes to take a portrait – and you would not have fun trying to take that camera…
Small Digital Cameras – How to Choose the Right One
The selection and quality available in small digital cameras has never been better. And they keep improving every day. When cameras that used digital format first came out, they were very expensive, and they were relatively large compared to many of today’s models. These cameras use an image sensor in order to capture image data…