League of Legends is a remake from the creators of the widely popular Defense of the Ancients aka DOTA. DOTA is a famous custom map settings in Warcraft 3. This is probably one, if not the best, free game that you can download online for many reasons. Some being that the design of the game…
Warcraft III Dota
In the past decade, the computer gaming industry has grown from zilch to mammoth. The quality of game graphics and design enhanced with each new developed game. The latest games swept less new ones off the shelves of gamers. This was the case for almost all game genres especially with strategy games. However, a few…
Gadget Geek’s Definition Of Pleasure: The Apple iPad!
Just what is pleasure and how can one experience it? Encyclopedias define the feeling of pleasure as a mental state that humans and even animals experience as positive, enjoyable, or worth seeking. It includes more specific mental states such as happiness, entertainment, enjoyment, ecstasy, and euphoria. As people, we all have varying levels and causes…
Geek Watches – Go Go Gadget!
If you are a self-proclaimed geek, if just about all of your interests make other people confused or puzzled, you are used to being a little out of step with the rest of the world, so why should your timepiece be any different? If you are someone who loves things a little out of the…
Cool Computer Gadgets for Your Geek
The coolest gadget that any geek can have it on that he can show off to others. This means that a sweet external hard drive probably isn’t the best gadget that somebody can own and it also explains the popularity of the iPad. Being able to proudly display your gadget is half the fun of…
Different Geek Gadgets and Their Overview
Being the geek with the cool gadgets is hard. Stay up to date with the latest gadget and tech developments and read reviews about the coolest new gadgets worth owning. Wi-fi detecting watch: So the next time you go to work on your laptop, you will know exactly where to sit. This watch gives you…