Portable Computer Storage Devices

No matter how good a computer can be, it can fail at times; therefore it is important to have a copy of your data. Storage of computer data is therefore very important part of computer technology. You can use computer storage disk for this purpose. These devices allow you to store data. You can keep the data in such devices for a period of time. There are various types of computer storage devices. Earlier floppy disks, Compact discs, Digital Video Discs, RAM were the only storage devices. But now we have many better options. Nowadays, portable computer storage port are preferred than normal storage devices. It is important for you to know that there are three types of portable data storage disk and those are external hard drives, travel drive and flash drive. Each and every has their own pros and cons.
Compact discs and Digital Video Discs are also portable computer storage devices but they are not considered the better option for portable computer storage because these devices are not safe. If you scratch it a little bit, it wouldn’t work. Therefore people are avoiding the use of Compact discs and Digital Video Discs as storage device.
External hard drives are widely used to store computer data because they have a larger capacity when it comes to storage. Also, they are faster in comparison to a flash drive or travel dive. The best thing about them is that they are very solid and very safe in terms of data. It is a perfect solution to use as backup solution. The only disadvantage of this portable computer storage data disk is that it is little bit uncomfortable to be carried around and that is why people generally prefer flash drive as a portable storage device.
A flash drive is a very small memory chip that can have a capacity of up to 64 GB. This device is also known as thumb device or memory device. The best thing about this portable storage device is its storage capacity. Another good thing about flash pen drive is its size which makes it an ultra portable device. You can carry it in your pocket.
Last one, Travel flash device which lies between a hard drive and a flash drive. It is widely used a laptop hard drive. Travel flash device is not as big as a hard drive and it is small and can be fit in a pocket easily.