Star Wars Toys – Not Just For the Little Kids

A long time ago, in a galaxy far away there was a movie that started the whole merchandising craze. Yes, we’re talking about the original Star Wars movie from 1977. To confuse matters – especially children these days – the first movie was actually part IV. This aside, what kid of that decade doesn’t remember…

Cool Geek Gadgets – The Best of Geek Toys and Gadgets

Being the geek with the coolest gadgets is hard. But now you can find all the latest gear in one place. This article will cover a wide range of cool geek gadgets and toys, from watches to tools to fun. Find out what all the cool geeks are buying this year! -Stainless steel 8GB video…

Canon Digital Camera – What to Look For?

While searching for Canon Digital Camera there are few factors that come to consideration. Some of the obvious considerations are described below as few major questions that one has to ask one self before actually fixing the purchase with any of these cameras model offered by different camera brands in the market. These few factors…

Olympus Digital Camera – Capture Perfection

Among all the latest camera model brands, Olympus has gained a special place for itself. There are many things that can be illustrated as great and extraordinary when it comes to Olympus camera. It seems as if these latest cameras have been exclusively designed keeping in mind the keen desire of photography lovers. No matter…

Canon EOS 500D Digital Camera – Your Past Comes Alive

Canon, the world-leading innovator and provider of Imaging and Information Technology. Canon products are synonymous with optical excellence, advanced image processing, and superb performance. The Canon EOS 500D is a 15.1megapixel digital single-lens reflex camera that captures stunning pin-sharp Full High Definition videos. The EOS 500D records each moment in rich style, offering photo-quality prints…