The Polaroid One Step is back in action and it’s better than ever before. If you are a passionate photographer and a nostalgic then this should put a smile on your face. But is nowhere near for nostalgic only. You can use the Polaroid One Step to take clear, instant pictures at the push of…
Polaroid Digital Camera Reviews
“Okay, hold still and smile,” are words we rarely use today when recording individual and/or family events. We have moved light years beyond the small Brownie camera of many of our childhoods and into the era of small cameras with video and audio capabilities. So let’s look at some of the best Polaroid digital cameras…
Collecting Vintage Polaroid Camera
Polaroid cameras are becoming popular lately. People have been using vintage Polaroid camera since 1948. Collectors are on the lookout for the rare editions. Thanks to the Internet, they have an easier time tracking down what they are looking for. Here are the steps they follow to do so. First and foremost, they try to…
Polaroid Instant Cameras – A History of This Unique Camera, and Where to Get Polaroid Cameras & Film
Polaroid instant cameras are a series of instant film cameras created by the Polaroid Corporation, founded by Edwin Land in 1937. The philosophy behind these cameras was to make photography easy and fun, and produce an instant result that would allow people to see the photographs they’ve created in seconds, not days later after the…
Why Should You Not Buy Home Gadgets Without Considering Their Energy Consumption Features?
In the past, there has been no emphasis on the energy consumption and conservation features in any of the appliances that were used in home and various commercial setups. But today, the scenario is totally different and you always need to see if you can handle the appliances or buy the ones which come up…
It Looks High-Tech and Futuristic But Do You Really Want to Live There?
When it comes to creating house plans for your future home, you have to live with the decisions you make once your dream home is completed. It is amazing all the groovy space age habitats which splash the news these days. So futuristic, so George Jetson’ish, but would you really wish to live there, now…